The current health crisis has people wondering whether social isolation and handwashing will be enough to protect them. Anxiety is high. Is there truly any place of refuge?
The dictionary defines refuge as shelter or protection from danger or distress. The biblical word literally means “the place to which we flee.” Note the extra connotation: shelter + swift, decisive action.
David knew a few things about fleeing and being a refugee.
Consider David’s words in 2 Samuel 22:3, NIV (emphasis mine): “My God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation. He is my stronghold, my refuge and my savior …”
That rendering of Psalm 18 is part of David’s song of deliverance. God had kept David safe from his enemies, especially King Saul, who had hunted David for four years.
David was a tween (or no older than fifteen) when Samuel anointed him as king. Of all the kingly things David dreamed about, I’ll bet he never dreamed his ascension to the throne would be paved with years of being on the run … hiding in caves … seeking refuge.
David officially became Israel’s king when he was thirty. Between his anointing and ascension, he got big doses of hounding and homelessness. Yet, through it all, he praised God for the physical, emotional, and spiritual refuge the Almighty provided.
Is God really where we can find refuge? Especially now in these troubled times?
It’s the only response makes sense.
We find refuge in the only One who is bigger than all the world’s problems.
God always goes beyond our expectations, wants, and felt needs. David’s words in 2 Samuel 22:3 remind us that refuge, in God’s vocabulary, is more than a place to hide during danger.
Let’s look at that verse again. David also says God is our shield and the horn of our salvation. “Shield” and “horn” mean God wields His defense and offense for us.
While He provides His safety for us, God does more. He’s our shield—our defender. He’s our horn—a prosaic reference to the overpowering strength of an ox with fully grown horns. God is conquering strength. He is fighting for us, and we know Who wins.
David experienced all that. When he finally became king of Israel at age thirty, he looked back in awe of God’s hand in his life. And, in just a few words, he gave us incredible images of God using His power on behalf of His people.
To keep my mind on God more than current events, I’ve been playing praise and worship music right before bed and first thing when I get on the computer. One gloriously encouraging song I keep gravitating to is “Every Other Throne.” Shadow Mountain Community Church staff wrote it for their Overcomer sermon series. (You can listen to all the songs written for the sermon series here on Spotify.)
Want to read the lyrics? I hope they encourage you to view the inspiring performance:
In the rubble and the ruin of this world’s history
We will sing a song triumphant, bowing at Your feet
When every earthly kingdom lies a shattered stone
We’ll praise the King who stands upon the dust of every other throne.When you cast down every idol
Every monument of pride
Cast aside all evil
No one will deny
That yours Lord is the victory
The truth at last is shown
We’ll praise the King who stands upon the dust of every other throne.Glory, all glory, to You forevermore
Awesome is the power of our great and mighty Lord
You will reign forever
You are God alone
O praise the king who stands upon the dust of every other throne.(interlude)
Holy, You are holy
Holy are You Lord
Worthy, You are worthy
Worthy are Your Lord
(repeat)Glory, all glory, to You forevermore
Awesome is the power of our great and mighty Lord
You will reign forever
You are God alone
O praise the king who stands upon the dust of every other throne!
O praise the king who stands upon the dust of every other throne!
May the King who can raise up and topple nations at His will be our Lord in every way. Thank you, Father, for being our strength, shield, peace, protector, provider, and redeemer. May we run—not walk—to your help, power, love, and strength. Now and always.
Refuge, in God’s vocabulary, is more than a place to hide during danger. He shields us and lends His strength to fight for us. Share on X
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