Twenty years ago, a man said my writing was a sword and to keep wielding it. That comment galvanized why I write. Words can change the world—especially when applied for good.
I’ve seen that firsthand. As a master’s level counselor. As a clinician and educator. As a writer in multiple sectors of business, healthcare, and ministry.
For the past nineteen years, I’ve been a freelance medical writer by day and a faith-based writer by night.
Writing is an adventure—much like hiking, my favorite hobby. Often humbling, always exciting. You’re never the same afterwards. In one way or another, you go beyond what you were before. Like when I made it to Peyto Lake—a glacier-fed lake in Banff, Canada (photo at the top of this screen). I pray the same happens when you read my books.
Ever think about who and what shaped your approach to the world?
MY WHO: My dad, a mechanical engineer, seemed to be able to do anything by just figuring it out. He ignited my inquisitive mind—often to my mom’s chagrin. My aunt wrote children’s books for Simon & Schuster. My seventh-grade science teacher opened my eyes to the wonders of the universe.
MY WHAT: I survived a nearly fatal case of Lyme disease. At my sickest, my husband left me. Homebound, my only way to earn a living was to write—and figure out how to rise above the odds stacked against me.
When I was ready to give up, God called me to embrace life—not death. It gave me a new boldness. Like me (all of 5 ft. 1 in.) calling out a career CrossFit guy when he parked his truck in a handicapped spot at Kmart.
I’m living a life of faith. Sometimes stumbling through it, but still moving forward. That resonates through my books. I’d love for you to join me in the adventure.
My friend, God loves us as we are, but He also loves us enough to not leave us where we are. He wants us to GO BEYOND what we can imagine for ourselves.
That’s my life theme. I pray you’ll experience it in my books. Will you step into the adventure with me? Enjoy what you discover, and GO BEYOND!